Bejweled in the eyebrow
Eyebrow piercing is a popular trend among youngsters which in itself is another beauty mark. While piercing eyebrows, the same method of piercing other parts of the body is used. It is basically a vertical or horizontal piercing through the bottom up to the top of the eyebrow. There are a few things which you will find most informative when it comes to eyebrow piercing.
1. If the eyebrow had not been properly pierced or if the jewellery is too heavy or thin, there is a tendency for shifting around in the eyebrow piercing. Plucking off the hairs closest to the two entry points will help in reducing irritations. If there is tenderness or swelling in a healed part, you need to pluck off the hairs gently.
2. While your pierced eyebrow is healing and tender, do not aggravate it by using hair remover which generally contains chemicals or even wax.
3. While it takes about six to eight weeks for the eyebrows to heal, the complete and assured healing takes three months, so you will have to extend hygienic care until then.
4. Use only mild anti-bacterial soap for cleaning around the area and the face. If you want to remove crusts around the jewellery and entry points do so by gently applying soap around it. Do not rotate the jewellery as it will only lead to infection and hurt you. You can apply saline solution for soothing inflamed or tender eyebrows.
5. Since the eyebrow piercing swells a lot at first, the practitioner generally fits you with a 16-12 gauge mini curved barbell or CBR jewelry to accommodate the swelling size. Later you can switch to a smaller CBR as most shops have replacement of jewelry policies.
6. Whichever side you may pierce your eyebrow does not in any way indicate any sexual trend.
7. Keep your pierced eyebrow covered when you go to your hairdresser as they have a tendency of combing over your face.
None of the photo's below are of my actual work, but are only used for the design of the website, to give you an idea, if your unsure of the Piercing your interested in.